Art @ home, how do you do it?

Are you a minimist, loving the one fabulous piece that draws the room together, letting that feature piece tell the story? Or do you love an ecletic mix of colour and texture, filling a room and engulfing every space, creating a tapestry of excitement and wonder?

Art in the home is a personal thing, it tells your guests who you are, where you have been, what you believe, what drives you…  It entices you into a room, adding depth and light.

We love it when clients excitedly get out their camera phones to show us rooms in their homes that hold their favourite art finds!  As we move further into our blog we will add some of these to the image gallery to share with you.

Do you love the minimilist look or do you love a wall hung from floor to ceiling?

Do you love the minimilist look or do you love a wall hung from floor to ceiling?

Whether you are a minimilist or love the New York loft style,  create your space around the fabulous finds you stumble upon in your travels and you will have a room full of memories and conversation pieces as well as some fabulous art!

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