How lovely is this Beatrix Potter print? It encapsulates everything that Easter is about from gathering with friends and families around a nest full of eggs… luckily for us ours are chocolate.
Easter is a special time of the year. Whether you are religious or not you cannot help but be affected by the happiness and joy that this holiday brings. The long weekend gives us all a chance to reconnect with family and friends, the thought of the Easter bunny brings smiles to our children’s face and the ensuing sugar overload is laughed at instead of dreaded!
However, despite the laughter and fun that Easter brings the holiday also gives us the opportunity to rejoice and reflect on all that we have to thankful for in our lives.
Father Bob, the Catholic Priest and media personality from South Melbourne who is famous for his Sunday Night Safran segment on triple J says Easter is about symbolism and the egg is a symbol of Easter… so the message this Easter, to all Australian’s is to “Be A Good Egg”
Artists: Karen Atkins, Shirley Marais and Sebastion Toast